Thursday, October 15, 2009

Realistic Render for class

NOTE: not sure why Google's not linking to larger versions of my last few images...

The first half of the semester in 3D Modeling and Animation was spent learning the software to capture real life just like the first step in a traditional drawing class would be to draw through observation. We were instructed to find a still life and model it proportionately.

For our midterm project we had to choose a scene like a kitchen or a room and model it as realistically as possible. The assignment was to make the render as true to the reference image as possible. The test would be to compare the two images and point out the differences.

Here is my reference image:

And here are my renders building up to that reference image:

Final Render:
Made some adjustments after handing it in:

Another comparison:

1 comment:

H said...

This is nuts. At first view it's a very good facsimile of the room. The first comparison shot had me worried with lighting but I was happy with the second shot showing the adjustment. I want to see a lot more and with some details of the process.