Thursday, October 15, 2009

In-class render for midterm exam

We had a practical portion in our 3D Modeling and Animation class. We had to pick from an hourglass, a game controller, a tomato tree, and some others to model without reference. I chose a game controller.

At first I wanted to make a NES style controller but could not remember exactly what it looked like as I started modeling it. So I decided to explore and be creative (in an exam...).

I ended up wasting lots of time rounding the edges on the controler, directional pad and start button and spent no time on the materials or lighting. The professor yelled out 15 minutes and I knew my model sucked.

After I handed it in, I looked up Nintendo controller and found that my model was a mix between an NES and SNES controller. Great...

I fixed it up a little right before this post:

Here's an update:

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