Sunday, December 21, 2008

some more tests

head moving down 

This is a test of Richard Williams' chapter on in-betweening. He was talking about the differences between straight in-betweening where a middle position is picked versus a more interesting in-between like having a person go to gasp slightly from a straight face into a frown rather than a straight into the frown from a straight face.  Ken Harris, one of the nine old men, would draw in-betweens that would favor one of the two extremes. In this case, my head tilts down, then forward (not the best animation, but...). Instead of moving from point A to B, the in-between gives what is normal a little more character. The idea is to use overlaps in the in-betweens. Have them work for the movement by directing the change in the drawing towards the breakdown positions. We all know we're going to get there, so we might as well throw old it back for as long as possible until we have to do it. Or we can so something else entirely before we get there. 

So this is the test with my character. First I decided on what I wanted my character to do: move his head down in a serious and heavy way. I decided to go with a 24 frame animation to make it easy on myself and picked 9 as the breakdown drawing. Then i did my charts, which you can see if you pause the video right at the beginning. The chart spans my 24 frames and shows the easing into and out of my breakdown position. Finally, I got to animating. I did a straight ahead from #1 - 9 easing into my breakpoint, another from #9-15 easing down towards my ending position, and another from #16-24 with even spacing. I worked on twos at first (every other drawing) and then went back to add in-betweens. I spend a lot of time afterwards cleaning up the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth (half of my Calc class, actually). I still need to do hair, and was thinking of adding frames at the end to make him move forward more.  

Scene 02 - second rough pass

This is my second attempt at scene 02. This scene has 3 layers: one is the background, then the background birds, then the bird animation.

Here's another iteration of this scene. I added a flickering for the background birds (which took longer to do than animating the entire scene), and anticipation in the beginning before the bird arrives. 

Let me know what you think and what I could change. 

1 comment:

anand vedawala said...

"head moving down" looks amazing--very smooth. the transition of lines is consistent.

regarding "second attempt at scene 2":
the background is nicely detailed. the perspective and proportions are good. i have a problem with the part when the bird lands. it just seems that the bird doesn't need to soar for the distance it needs to travel. i mean, who soars for like a second? it doesn't seem convincing. even if it is convincing, it still feels a little awkward. i imagined/expected the bird to have to land a little farther away.

regarding "another iteratation":
the flickering "adds" tension/action, but i think it's just as mood enhancing as the non-flickering version. same issue of soaring as stated above.
again, the background looks great.