Sunday, November 16, 2008

Toon Boom Straight Ahead

I wanted to animate something so I did. I shouldn't have spend so much time on it but going all out on this one helps me visualize what is possible for other scenes. All the animation is by hand... by tablet, which is hard to use! I used myself for reference and mouthed out the words in slow motion. Anyway, I'm happy with it (sorta).

As you can see, I hide the amateur animation behind color and a moving camera. That's bad. If this were a class, i'd probably have to demonstrate a clean performance before I color and move it around. Here's a earlier version. I added a bunch of small things to the animation after this: hair, body, background... When i do this again, i'll have planned the scene out better and made sure my animation is solid before i color it


anand vedawala said...

dude, it looks great. i love how the lips are there to produce sounds (nicely timed, too), but the eyebrows do most of the acting. the shifting of the eyes, and the lines around them are convincing too. the look on the character's face is perfect. it's what i'd imagined the look would express with that line. looks complicated as hell, though. the motion of the jaw with the movement of the mouth, damn. did you try playing around with the shoulders? or do you, the real ketan, not move your shoulders when talking? aah, just noticed the blink. nice.

anand vedawala said...

oh, also, i just realized that you're zooming in. it's very subtle when looking at the character, but the background shadow is more obvious. the shadow and the zooming give the film a nice atmosphere. plus, that "wind effect" looks cool.

ketan said...

yo, actually, as far as performance and acting goes, i wanted this scene to have minimal movement. he's focused on the game more than his emotions when he's saying the words. I added the eyebrows just to do it, and i noticed that it made him seem too flimsy. I had to change the voice to a more casual tone that matched his face rather than having an animation to match the voice.

In the end, i think i got this not so serious but not really joking kinda feel. but when i do it over, i will definitely do a a more solid performance. (or try to anyway)