Monday, November 17, 2008

Sketching in Class

I did these a week or so ago after reading parts of this online text on sketching for animators. You can find it on my space: Gesture Drawing For Animation by Walt Stanchfield (8.6 mb).

Math Class:

Management class:


anand vedawala said...

i really like the non-linear scribbles of math; it seems each person is animated.

i hope you've already started on your short film 'cause, man, we only have like 3 weeks to draw, animate, edit, include sound, and voices.

ketan said...

You know production time for a short like this is about 1 year, and that's with like 4-7 months of animation/cleaning up/coloring/editing. I just want to do as much as possible right now. That's part of the reason i added the waste of time/not waste of time thing... Cuz i do too many things that are tangent to the actual project.

anand vedawala said...

well, a lot of those things aren't a waste of time 'cause they'll be good for future projects..and just practice and experience in general. but, for now, let's focus on the short at hand. unlike huxlhey, andy and me, you and emi actually have to get the project done. you're being graded on it.

if you're drawing/doodling in class, it's a wasted of your other class' time, but you're not wasting animation time because, well, you aren't supposed to be drawing in that other class to begin with.

i'm drawing out scenes and i think i'm just going to start piecing them together. after i see how they all look, i'll refine them further.