Sunday, November 02, 2008


My intro and outro frames have pigeons, so I'm practicing drawing them.

I'm learning rotoscoping also: pigeon in black and colored.

Update: Took Hux's advice and took away from the background near the pigeon's head.


anand vedawala said...

the pigeons look nice; the style they're drawn in looks consistent with the rest of your animation.

i was thinking of how to draw the pigeon and crow. at first i was going for realism, but the failed attempts in my head proved what i already knew: i can't draw.

i'm thinking of drawing the crow (represented by heavy black lines, without a concrete shape ) pecking away at a dead pigeon...along the railroad tracks.

anand vedawala said...

i can't see the images on your njit page...maybe the images are blocked on my work computer... don't know.

ketan said...

The entire time i was trying to get the pigeons to have a similar style, but I kinda think that it's because we're stuck in our styles (like Andy said). Anyways, I'm trying to do as much as i can and sum it up with a concrete style after I'm done.