Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fresh Air

Andy refered Kaiba, a 12 piece anime by Masaaki Yuasa of MadHouse, to me last week.

It's minimalist style quickly breaks into an extraordinarily surreal world which truly transcends convention. I know, I know, convention can never really be transcended. And conformity does show here with its share of stereotypical anime characters and animation. But I've always secretly believed in the use of convention as a kind of lure that draws you close and sucks your brain dry! This anime uses the ground to jump off into space with. After finishing it, I realize that the simplicity of its style becomes enormously complex and moving with just a little bit of emotional investment. There is lots to talk about, but I specifically found the creative style inspiring. It blows my mind how they choose to capture situations like people dying or an explosions through style and animation.

I know I haven't really described anything, but I don't really want to. You've gotta discover the wealth for yourself.


Anonymous said...

hey glad you enjoyed it bro, download the soundtrack the music is amazing as well. It is paralle to the style of the animation, they fuse to give us fresh air

ketan said...

madd true. very simple