Monday, November 10, 2008

Background research

This is where my "Down" scene takes place: Public School # 6 in Jersey City.

My scene will actually be of a side view.

But i'll study these anyway.


anand vedawala said...

what about the UP scenes?
you should take pictures of people sitting on a couch or playing videogames. hell, you can have roshan take pictures of you and your cousin just talking while sitting on a couch. it might help you visualize or capture some background details that you might want to add.

the streets seem more closed-in and suburban-y than i imagined them. for some reason, i imagined skyscrapers in the background, along with some houses and apartment buildings. either way, i pictured tall buildings.

ketan said...

Yea, i had the city scene in the beginning, but it's more like this, urban. Before, you could see the twin towers and at certain angles the rest of nyc, but not this angle. maybe if i were higher.